How to Design Your Office for Better Productivity & Purpose

How to Design Your Office for Better Productivity & Purpose

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Few company decisions are as important as your office design. Designs can vary widely and affect your employees’ productivity and even their well-being. If you’re ready to take advantage of the latest office trends, check out these premier office design ideas and find out how a general commercial contractor can help you propel your business forward and create a comfortable, productive work area.

Rethink Your Open-Plan Office

Open offices are no longer the gold standard in terms of productivity and comfort. In fact, these designs have been associated with lower levels of productivity. As you prepare for a commercial renovation project, look for ways to offer collaboration and clear communication without sacrificing productivity and quiet, personal spaces for your employees.

The best way to strike a balance between unpleasant office cubicles and unproductive open-plan offices is to carefully consider the types of work activities your employees engage in. Intense collaboration requires more open and shared spaces, while sustained individual tasks are best conducted in a quiet, calm individual space.

Update Conference Room Tech

A key to successful collaboration is a great conference room. Don’t let your conference room drain resources, time and patience as you gather small groups or all your staff for routine meetings. Use the latest conference room tech to make presentations, conference calls and other conference room activities easy, comfortable and stress-free.

A simple monitor and conference phone won’t provide the engaging media you need to capture your employees’ imagination, communicate effectively with new clients and land important contracts. Conference room technology is about more than a flashy presentation, it’s an excellent way to create a memorable impression with your audience and create conversations about the direction of your company’s growth opportunities.

Use Color Blocking for a Fresh New Look

Your new office construction or office remodel needs a color scheme that reflects your company branding and type of work. White walls are typically too sterile and bland for enhanced productivity, particularly if your employees are working in a creative way.

Use bold colors to create visual interest throughout your office. When appropriately designed, clashing colors can actually make fun and visually appealing accents to your office space. Don’t just think about color, but look at textures, shapes and other design elements to create a fresh look that’s inspirational for your creative office space.

What is the Preferred Construction Office Design?

Most employees prefer 10-foot or higher ceilings. Tall ceilings avoid feelings of claustrophobia and encourage creative thinking. As you renovate your commercial office space, consider strategies to raise your ceiling. Many offices use a drop ceiling to cover pipes, ductwork, and other components. Ask a professional contractor about removing your drop ceiling and painting or otherwise masking piping and ductwork.

Raise the Ceilings, Lower the Noise

Another common distraction in commercial office spaces is the noise level. This is a common complaint of open-plan offices. Look for ways to minimize excessive noise in your new office design, like installing a sound masking system or offering noise-canceling headphones to your employees. While your office space needs to be open enough to minimize feelings of restraint and cramped work areas, you may need to add additional walls and separated work areas for quiet work environments.

Invest in Premier Remodeling Services With Tech 24 Construction

Review these leading office space design ideas and talk to a professional contractor about ways to implement them in your commercial renovation or new building project. At Tech 24 Construction, we have an experienced team that works around the clock on your office renovations in Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C. Contact us today to launch your renovation project and receive prompt, professional and productive workspace engineering to keep your company moving forward.